SaphyRAD E Multiprobe – Bertin Instruments

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SaphyRAD multiprobe alpha & beta contamination meter has been developed to meet all needs of contamination control for multiple markets such as the nuclear and NORM industries, medical structures & first responders, thanks to its integrated nuclide library. Its ergonomic interface and design have been especially conceived for use even by non-specialists. SaphyRAD’s wide range of contamination probes combined with its specific algorithm allow for a very fast and reactive detection. Depending on the probe, the operator can either assess small or large areas to detect alpha, beta/gamma or alpha & beta/gamma radioactive contamination. All data can be stored on an SD card for measurement recordings.

SaphyRAD E advantages

  • user friendly embedded alarm & distance control indicator
  • wide range of compatible probes
  • adaptative nuclide library
  • versatile for contamination & measurement operations
  • ruggedized for harsh environment
SaphyRAD E

Bertin Instruments is a brand of CNIM Group with over 60 years of experience in instrumentation. The company is dedicated to innovative measurement and sampling solutions for worldwide markets. In 201...


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Saphyrad Datasheet

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