SaphyRAD MS Dom-420 – Bertin Instruments

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SaphyRAD MS is the latest multiprobe survey meter designed for operation in harsh environments such as military fields and first responders.


Together with the probes, SaphyRAD MS allows to cover most of the needs of first responders. SaphyRAD MS associates a wide range dose rate meter and external smart probes for source and hot spot search and contamination measurement.
SaphyRAD MS includes a simulation mode which allows to train the users with high reality without the use of radioactive sources. Special care has been taken in the design of man machine interface for quick use by non radiation specialists.

SaphyRAD MS features

  • designed for operation in harsh environments
  • high resolution and large color LCD display
  • built in simulation function for training
  • designed for use with CBRN protective clothing
  • built in GPS
  • specific algorithm for very fast and reactive detection
  • wide dose rate range 0.05 μGy/h to 10Gy/h
  • comprehensive external smart probes for source search and multiple contamination measurement specially designed for use by non radiation specialists

SaphyRAD MS probes

Contact our PEO product specialist.



Il y a un téléchargement disponible pour ce produit.

SaphyRAD MS, Datasheet

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