RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer with Nuclide ID Capability – Georadis

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The RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer with Nuclide ID Capability (Georadis) integrates a radiation survey meter, dose meter and radionuclide identification device in a weather protected, lightweight and easy to use instrument.

De RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer met Nuclide ID Capaciteit is een ultramodern draagbaar instrument om radioactiviteit op te sporen
De RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer met Nuclide ID Capaciteit is een ultramodern draagbaar instrument om radioactiviteit op te sporen

RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer with Nuclide ID Capability features:

  • multiple functions; nuclide ID (isotope name), scan and search
  • auto-stabilization
  • protection: IP66
  • single button operation
  • sensitivity: Co-60: 270 cps/MBq, Cs-137: 160 cps/MBq, Am-241: 75 cps/MBq
  • data interchange; Bluetooth or USB
  • readout search mode; 0 – 65535 cps
  • energy response: 20 keV to 3000 keV
  • energy compensated doserate: 0 – 10 mSv/h (with G/M detector)
  • graphic LCD display; 128 x 64 pixels
  • 2GB memory

Read more about the RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer with Nuclide ID Capability on the Georadis website


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RT-30 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer with Nuclide ID Capability Georadis

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