Coriolis Micro – Bertin Instruments

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Coriolis µ is an innovative biological air sampler for bio-contamination assessment, mainly dedicated to air quality control and air quality monitoring in environmental and pollution research, pharmaceutical, food and veterinary industries, biomedical and health environment…
Based on a cyclonic technology, combined to a high air flow rate, Coriolis µ offers the most efficient particles collection in 10 minutes. The biological particles such as toxins, virus, bacteria, molds, pollens, spores are collected and concentrated in a liquid ready to be analyzed with microbiological and cellular and molecular biology methods.

Coriolis Micro Bertin Instruments
Coriolis Micro Bertin Instruments

Introduction video

Advantages Coriolis Micro

  • the most efficient concentration of biological particles
  • high air flow rate & long time monitoring option – up to 6 hours
  • compatible with any downstream experiments – divisible samples for several analysis in parallel
  • flexible liquid sample output
  • no saturation of the collection media for charged environment

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Datasheet Coriolis Micro - Bertin Instruments

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