NVS Spring Symposium 2019; meet PEO and discuss the solutions for your radiation safety challange
On Friday, March 22, 2019, the NVS Spring Symposium will again take place in the NBC Congress Center in Nieuwegein. PEO Radiation Technology is present and pleased to assist you with your radiation safety challenge.
The theme of this edition is ‘Quality assurance and radiation’.
Topics that will be dealt with are a.o. the application of radiation sources in the quality control of:
- weld seams (X-ray) non destructive testing
- lead protective shields
- agro and food
- ballistic research
Meet us at the symposium and be informed about the solutions we offer in the area of radiation safety / radiation hygiene (in accordance with the ALARA principle) in your quality assurance (QA and QC).
PEO puts in focus
The robust, small and light SIGMA Caesium Iodide scintillator radiation detector from Kromek is perfect for radiation detection and isotope identification in the field as well in the lab.
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The RayMon10 handheld gamma detector from Kromek is a powerful portable radiation monitor. The RayMon10 is suitable for dose rate and identification of gamma (isotopes).
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Super compact high-performance USB gamma-ray CZT spectrometer GR1(A) for smaller spaces
The Kromek GR1 is a high-performance gamma-ray spectrometer utilizing a 1cm³ CZT detector.
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Depending on the probe, you monitor persons, small or large areas, to monitor alpha, beta or alpha and beta radioactive contamination with a built-in distance indicator for a correct measurement.
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The Model 9DP* Ambient Dose Ion Chamber Survey Meter (Ludlum) is a highly sensitive pressurized ion chamber meter.
View the comparison with Model 451P here
Tracerco developed the PED-ER and the PED-ER+ especially for NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) activities. This Extended Dose Rate version has a range of 0 to 1 Sv/h.
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Upgrade your DoseVision software here
Upgrade to black and take advantage of new features that make your X-ray beam contol QA even better with excellent cost of ownership.
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See you at the symposium!

Emile de Kler

Tommy Hermans
Service & QA specialist

Luc Kluiters
Sales manager

Steven van de Cruijs
Marketing & communication