Astrophysics Inc.

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Astrophysics Inc.

Turn-key x-ray inspection systems for mail and small packages, travel luggage, mobile cargo screening and associated metal detection equipment.

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X-ray systems for freight screening

Astrophysics Inc. is a leading designer, developer and manufacturer of x-ray systems for the following security applications:

  • mail and small parcel
  • checkpoints
  • large baggage
  • cargo
  • mobile screening
Astrophysics Incorporated Company Video

Astrophysics Inc. is a specialist in

  • Reliable security x-ray imaging and detection equipment.


  • TSA-approved (U.S. Transportation Security Administration)
  • baggage screening with dual energy imaging for Picture Perfect quality images on supplied 17″inch TFT display
  • including Picture Perfect and Edge Imaging software
  • 2 to 32 times zoom with no pixel distortion at 8x zoom
  • organic and inorganic imaging in 6 colours, density alert
  • z level detection (explosives)
  • 24/7 service and backup (optional
  • Screener Assist Software (optional)
  • Threat Image Projection: TIP (optional)
  • Computer Based Training: CBT (optional)

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