The entry-level model with fast Search mode and spoken isotope identification in a few seconds.
This D3S can be upgraded to:
With additional ID confirmation mode with longer time interval with more accurate identification.
A fast, accurate radiation meter, specially developed for Radiation Experts.
Read more about the D3S-ID here.
The new generation of personal isotope-identifying radiation meters
The D3S-PRD is a radiation detector and preliminary identifier. The detector, developed by Kromek, is suitable for first-line users such as first aid, railways, airports or other security organizations. The D3S fits on a belt and gives you verbal radiation warnings for gamma and neutron radiation. In addition, it gives a representation of the isotopes present. It is a personal radiation detector that identifies isotopes in seconds.
The D3S models scan the environment automatically, the device only needs to be linked via the app to the supplied, by Kromek encrypted, android phone.The D3S replaces personal radiation detectors (PRD), spectroscopic personal radiation detectors (SPRD) and radioisotope identification devices (RIID). The D3S is one device that performs all these functions. It is therefore often applied in the following fields:
• security staff for events;
• law enforcement;
• border security / customs;
• other emergency services as part of their regular equipment.Characteristics of the D3S-PRD
• CsI (T1) detector;
• gamma values range: 30 keV to 3 MeV;
• gamma sensitivities: Cs137 500 cps / Sv / h, Photo peak 120 cps / Sv / h;
• maximum cps: 10,000;
• max dose rate: 20 μSv / h at 662 keV;
• neutron detector material: Non-3He;
• neutron detector gamma rejection: better than 10-7, complies with ANSI N42.34 paragraph 6.7;
• battery life: 12 hours (rechargeable via USB);
• size excluding telephone: 132mm x 80mm x 23.5mm.The benefits of the personal radiation meter
• small and lightweight, wearing is sufficient;
• user-friendly, simple interface;
• all-in-one, detect, identify and locate GPS;
• directly upgradable to full D3S-ID with isotope identification mode;
• supplied with specially secured smartphone device incl. Kromek app;
• continuous measurement;
• a fraction of the costs of modern RIIDs (budget-friendly).
D3S-PRD operating modes
Dose only mode
The D3S only warns the user about gamma radiation and neutron dose.
This mode is always on and scans continuously, the user only needs to wear the detector on a belt and have the phone in a pocket or bag.
Identification mode
The D3S alerts the user to gamma and neutron doses and informs the user in seconds about the isotopes found.The D3S-PRD is the only personal radiation detector that can transform into a full RIID with logging function (reach back capability). By upgrading the detection app on the phone, the PRD changes to a fully functional D3S-ID with no changes to the device or phone. You keep the always-on search mode and quick alerts and the upgrade also provides fast and sensitive confirmation modes (in just 30 seconds), reachback and N42 file format reports, to allow a more detailed analysis of your findings. Photos can be added and the reports can be sent via e-mail.
PRD or ID: Which D3S is most suitable for your radiation challenge?
Do you want to learn more about the differences between D3S devices? Click here for the comparison.
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