Pursuant to the objectives of the European Energy Agreement, as well as socially responsible business, PEO has decided in 2015 to fulfill an actual implementation of these objectives in its own company.
Together with our neighbor Berko Wijchen, known for ‘Customization in compressed air’, we contracted the company ‘100%Zonnig‘ to install 376 solar panels to start 2016 as energy neutral as possible. In addition, our policy aims to run all our company cars hybrid or electric in 2016.
In short, we try to rely on sun power for both transportation and work environment, in order to ensure reliable, affordable and most durable energy supply.
”If each director, also of smaller companies, takes responsibility and implements this in his or her quality policy, it will also work on a larger scale to reduce CO2 emissions and achieve the European objectives”, said Emile de Kler, director PEO.
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Check here in a report of ‘Hart van Nederland’ how Pierre Spierings as part of the charity places panels on the roof of PEO.