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The SMD 600 plus realizes a quick, accurate analysis of all parts of the body of people in transit, from the shoe level to the crossbar. This metal detector accurately pinpoints individual and multiple metal targets with built-in programs to screen visitors and staff for weapons and contraband.
CEIA’s cutting-edge discrimination technology allows personal effects to be ignored, creating rapid transit flow with four multi-zone display bars. Each programmable as entry Stop/Go and/or local alarm indication.It is developed with a flexible acoustic alarm signaling system (10 continuous and pulsed tones, 34 special sounds) and 10 alarm volume levels.
The SMD 600 plus has up to 50 built-in security programs: 30 International Standards, 20 with customizable levels. It has a chip card system for fast, simple and secure parameter changes (i.e. alarm volume and tone, counter reading, etc) and security level selection. Any security standard can be enhanced with a selectable random alarm probability.
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