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The Ultra Energy SmartCAM is a next-generation Continuous Air Monitor (CAM) that provides the user unparalleled performance in terms of its detectable limit, sensitivity and speed to alarm. The SmartCAM utilizes state-of-the-art Spectral Measurement Analysis in Real Time (SMART) Technology, that provides real advances in alpha measurement techniques. Using an isotope peak fitting algorithm proven to be more accurate than regions-of-interest or tail-fitting methods, results are faster, more accurate and more reliable than ever.
In operation, the SmartCAM continually monitors alpha and beta particulates deposited on a static filter with a high-efficiency detector. Air is drawn through the filter by an external wall mounted vacuum pump or distributed vacuum main.
Ultra Electronics acquired Lab Impex Systems on July 17th, 2014. This is a known specialized manufacturer in radiation detection solutions and services for use in the global nuclear industry. Founded...
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Continuous Air Monitor SmartCAM - Ultra Electronics - Datasheet
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