Manual Counting Systems
MANUAL alpha/beta counters incorporating either gas-flow proportional detector or dual-phosphor scintillation detector technologies. These manual, single detector systems are ideally suited for applications requiring long count times for a small number of samples.
Automatic Counting Systems
AUTOMATIC alpha/beta counters incorporating either gas-flow proportional detector or dual-phosphor scintillation detector technologies. These automatic systems are ideally suited for applications requiring relatively short counting times for a large number of samples.
Multi-Detector Systems
ORTEC offers a superior alpha/beta counting system for customers seeking premium performance in a multi-detector, high throughput, high sensitivity system. The Multi-Detector System (MDS) is a third-generation, multi-detector, low-background system for low-level background alpha and beta counting. The MDS series can be configured to accommodate 4, 8, 12, or 16 detectors to facilitate customer specific sample volume and throughput rate requirements.