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Heeft u een vraag of wilt u dit product bestellen? Neem dan contact met ons op.
A reliable portable x-ray inspection device made of amorphous silicon is the 3DX-RAY ThreatScan®-AS1 (ISC). Included in the package are a 43 x 35 cm imaging area detector panel, a new high-penetration 150 kV generator, a laptop with 3DX-RAY ThreatSpect software, a wireless connection, batteries, chargers, and a transport case. The AS1 (ISC) is easy to operate and provides real-time, sub-millimeter resolution photographs of exceptionally high quality.
The main display, computer, communications, and power sources are all combined into one tough, waterproof housing, making the system fully integrated. When it comes to meeting the diverse range of user applications and threat scenarios, a secondary display tablet provides a high degree of deployment flexibility.
ThreatScan®-AS1 (ISC) utilizes a combination of technologies that provide outstanding X-ray imaging capabilities, powerful image processing software, and 3DX-RAY’s famous enhanced material discrimination.
In addition to serving the needs of the EOD community, the ThreatScan®-AS1 (ISC) is perfect for inspecting suspicious luggage and parcels at airports, shopping centers, stadiums, and sports arenas. First responders, including the police, military, and commercial and public security agencies, can utilize the system’s maximal imaging potential in an integrated, easily deployable system.
X-ray inspection systems are distributed globally by 3DX-RAY Ltd., both directly and through partners, agents, and distributors with in-depth product and geographic knowledge....